Creafund supports Sofics in its growth ambition
Early September 2021, Creafund has reached a partnership agreement with the founders and management of Sofics, to support the company in its overall growth strategy of maintaining and expanding its world leadership in the ESD niche it operates in.

Sofics operates as an architectural firm where ESD stress on chips (semiconductors) is reduced through their designs. ESD stands for 'electrostatic discharge', which refers to electrical discharges with a relatively low energy content, so without danger for humans. However, these discharges can often have serious consequences for electronic equipment, especially for semiconductors. Without any protection, chips would break very quickly and it is in this market that Sofics is active, where it makes plans like an architect, which are then carried out by the chip manufacturers. In the past, large players often had their own in-house ESD design teams or used the basic ESD protection solutions of the chip manufacturers. However, due to time, cost, increasing complexity and further miniaturization of the chips, there is a need for sophisticated solutions. And it is in this niche that Sofics is unique and has built up a library of 75+ patents, 45+ trade secrets and many years of experience.